Happy Birthday Peter
It stated in September
The dance floor, of all places…
You were movin, you were grovin,
And you weren’t making’ faces
“Love Story” was in the theatre
But we were busy making our own
Two hearts became like one
In Sea Isle under the sun
How I loved your family
The icing on the cake,
I fell hook, line and sinker
A DiLullo on the make!
Our wedding was quite humble
Often, less is more…
We were thrilled to be together,
It didn’t matter we were poor.
Suddenly we were pregnant
Childbirth classes ensured,
Along came sweet Melissa,
Peter and Becca joined us, too!
The busy year of family life
Were the focus of our days
Loving, laughing, growing
Sometimes we were quite crazed!
But you faithfully worked harder,
And did all you could at home,
You balanced it all, but always returned
Happy to no longer roam.
We’ve skied and fished and sun-bathed,
We’ve worshiped and endured,
Not a day goes by we’re not aware
Of the generosity of our Lord
And now He’s added more to our lives
With Nate and Lex and Rich,
The beauty of family multiplied
Not one of you we’d switch.
But wait, and now there’s grandchildren
God’s blessing for His name’s sake
His promises are for each generation,
Now there’s Luke, Jules, Sammy and Jake!
Two really do become like one,
Tho sometimes tempers flare
But You remain my hero
With a heart that’s beautiful and rare.
So I celebrate you and love you so,
If I should fall behind, wait for me
Come grow old along with me,
That’s how God planned it to be
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