Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Rich Boyd Jr.

THE PROPOSAL: I will never forget when you said that in order for our

relationship to be successful it’s critical that “Christ is in the center of our relationship”. It would have been easy for you to talk about a lot of other things, but you focused on the most important, which I have learned is Christ.

LIMO RIDE: You had a Tiffany’s gift for everyone. “To live is Christ, to die is gain”…the most important thing in life is family. The verse and the necklace will stay with me forever.

MEETING ABOUT DAVIDSON: Stewardship…“Tithe” It’s more important to give, then to receive. As you said, it’s hard in the beginning…but once you make the commitment to tithing you will reap heavenly rewards.

CADDIES: I remember being a caddie, and how I was treated by every person I caddied for. You always make the caddie feel like he is not only the best

caddie you've ever had, but also a friend. I remember realizing that leadership is about putting yourself underneath people, and lifting them up.

HONDA CONVERTIBLE: You took me for a ride on Westtown road...You kept saying “give it some gas”. I remember how cool I thought it was that you let me do that.

THE BRIDGE: You and Lisa showed up at “The Bridge”. I remember how great I felt when I saw you both in the congregation.

CHURCH: Just you and I at church, you gave me a hug and said “I love you”. I was glad you trusted that I would be there.

TOMMY: When you prayed for Tommy and his future “blanket of protection”. I know that had an impact on Tommy, and my entire family.

SUIT: Every interview I went on I had a fresh “P.D.L” suit... grateful to be looking sharp.

LETTERS: Becca still talks about the letters you sent her in college.

POWER WASH: “Man work” on the old shore house. I liked how you made it fun.

HANDSHAKE: Pre-Becca, I remember you always gave me a funky hand shake when

you walked in the door. I could never get it right.

AISLE SEAT: No matter where we go, you always have the aisle seat.

GOLF SWING: Pre-Becca, I remember you always rehearsing your golf swing...

in our backyard on Eagle Road, at restaurants, anywhere really.

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