Monday, September 13, 2010

The Thistle Family

Happy 6Oth Birthday Peter

WOW. . .60. Deb and I as we were pulling our thoughts together, realized we met your family in 1981. Next year will be 30 years. (Iwill get to the family part later)

The most amazing thing I admire is you sharing your journey with me, from meeting the lord, to truly becoming a man of the lord. To see your faith grow over the years has been a true example to me of how a man should live his life and I have only experienced that with very few men throughout my life.

The most significant part of this, is when you found you were dealing with a life threatening, life changing medical event, you hugged me and just asked me to pray for you. This to me meant you had trust that I would in fact pray with you and for you. You already had the trust and faith that the outcome was in God’s hands, what a great place to be. You have also been an example to me as a father. Watching your kids grow, and seeing your love, dedication, interaction and support strengthen them and get them through some very tough times, taught me that I could do the same with my kids.

Now to the family stuff . . Your openness to share your Cape May homes over the years with our family has created memories that our family will never forget. Our kids always have something they remember about the many visits to the beach and the Cape May vacations.

Our families have shared graduations, weddings, funerals, births, birthdays and so many other things. We have been through many life changing events over the 30 year span and it is comforting to know that our friendship will always be there and will continue to strengthen over our remaining years. Enjoy your birthday and the rest of your life’s journey. God has truly blessed me and knew what he was doing 30 years ago.

Happy birthday my brother


Greg, Deb, Zach, Jess

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