Tuesday, September 7, 2010

JT and Rosemary

Dear Peter,

It is with great honor and pleasure that I write to wish you a Happy 60th Birthday!

I have had the distinct pleasure of walking side by side with you across several continents and in all types of weather - glorious sunshine, wind swept afternoons, brisk autumn days and even the occasional dark and stormy downpour. Of course, no matter what the terrain or weather, these strolls always proved to be a positive experience for me and were never spoiled by the elements or the outcome. No matter how far I veered from my intended target you have always helped me find my way, and for that you will always be loved as my brother.

Okay, enough with the metaphor. The good news about your advancing age is that you are getting closer to fulfilling a lifelong dream, shooting your age on the golf course. The way I figure it, if you live until you’re 97 you have an outside chance at accomplishing that goal, especially if I’m keeping score and carrying your bag. Truth be told, you might be able to shoot your age in the next five years, if you let me keep score. Seriously, I hope to be there with you my friend when it happens. In my fantasy it would be in Spain with Lisa and Rosemary rounding out the foursome. I would choose Spain not just for the weather but that the fact they encourage siestas, which by then I suspect we will both be taking twice a day.

We have always scored better on the back 9, so I look forward to teeing it up with you and enjoying the spoils you have justly earned in your lifetime.

Happy Birthday Big Brother!


JT and Rosemary

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