Saturday, September 4, 2010

Georgia Podsobieski

Happy 60th Peter !

So many years gone by so quickly. Let’s start at the beginning in 1981. I can remember your first day at “Linpro”! You certainly had your work cut out for you – replacing Wayne Myers! Who could forget Wayne! You had everyone on their toes wondering how you were going to change the Linpro “world of accounting”. It wasn’t long after you started that it became quite obvious to everyone that you were a unique, one of a kind individual and were going to be a major asset to the company. How right was that !

On a personal note, I must admit that I was somewhat nervous when Bob Walker retired and it was announced that you were replacing Bob as Chief Financial Officer. However, it didn’t take long to find out what a great person you were to work with. You have the qualities and personality that make people around you glad you're in their world. Over the years, you have not only been a great boss, but you have been a good friend. Priceless !

I hope your special day is filled with a celebration of love and happiness enjoying your wonderful family and friends. May you enjoy many, many more birthdays in good health and happiness.

Happy Birthday Peter !

Love, Georgia

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