Monday, September 13, 2010

Kurt Eichler

Happy Birthday Peter!

You’ve come a long way baby! I’ve known you seems like forever, from the time you were working for the big Texan as a corporate controller and up through all the exciting years we’ve had building our company, it’s just amazing how 29 years can fly by so quickly. It’s been really a wonderful experience working with you and watching you guide LCOR through some very interesting waters and always adapting our structure to what works best for us in that given time. What’s always amazed me Peter is that you’ve managed to do all this while always keeping such a positive attitude, that has given all of us a consistent feeling that we can win on any given day. I know that it’s easy to get down when our projects take so long to mature into opportunities, and then into hopeful successes, but you’ve always found a way to help us make those happen; and it’s been such a pleasure to be on that team with you. Now that you are looking at 60 Peter, and winding some of your LCOR duties back a bit, I want you to share with me the secret of your perpetual youthful look and constant tan….I’ve figured out that that is part of your ability to inspire, because aside from your obvious command and example in the board room, you’ve had that eye of the tiger too. Well whatever the secret is, it’s served you and LCOR so damn well over all these years.

I know how much I’ve enjoyed working with you, but it’s really nothing compared to the way I know Eric feels about his good fortune to have had such a wonderful friend and partner in you. I can tell you that it has meant the world to him and it has been a great source of pride for me to see the both of you work as a successful team all these years. I know the story isn’t completely written yet and I’m looking forward to writing these next chapters with you.

Have a fantastic time celebrating your 60th and remember, 60 is the new 50!!

All the best Peter,


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