Monday, September 13, 2010


It’s amazing that you’re 60! I think in my mind you’ll always be that super cool, good looking and vibrant 45 year old dad that my friends always thought was cooler than me. Truth is, my friends still think that…and well, maybe they’re right!

Recalling good memories is easy. There were the family ski trips (blaring Julio Iglesias), the tennis outings and practice, the golf (how old will you have to get for me to beat you!). Of course though, the memories that will be forever etched in my mind are the fishing outings. Below are some of the highlights and I look forward to many more:

  • The college graduation Tarpon trip – Jamie is right (I read his already)…you treated us like men that trip and ever since.
  • The first docking of Three Pete with April 25mph wind…we’re in trouble!
  • The first sea bass trip – Jim going “the reef is only 10 MILES out”
  • Waiting out the fog after near crash in harbor with Billings clan
  • Docking the boat with Uncle Bob - considering anchoring in the marina – the laughter that took place afterwards.
  • Countless run-offs at the East Lump
  • The first shark trip
  • The biggest flounder to ever get away
  • Vic’s mako gaff – Vic’s stern tuna gaff!
  • Mark on the Angry wife and “we ca..cau..caught those so..son…sons of bitches!”
  • The Mako with Ricky and Uncle Bobby
  • My sweet Alexis at the dock “married to a big fiiishhing man”
  • You dropping the bait back and hooking up a sailfish just two months after surgery…amazing.
  • The first Canyon tuna with Matty
  • The killer Bluefin days in July 2009 – Frank “you think we have a bite”
  • Thanksgiving Stripers
  • The Thresher and weigh in – you always on the ball turning around and saying “you’ll never forget this”
  • The countless boat issues and shut-out days – you always leaving the dock with a smile.

Sure there have been some not so good memories mixed in, but in thinking back over things I’ll never forget; your surgery and recovery are right on top. What amazing courage and presence you had the entire time. I was scared, real scared, but there was a moment I can remember when I knew things would be okay. You asked me to give you a shave in the hospital – clearly you were weak and wanted a trusted hand. I, in my sometimes awkwardness, continued with the shave and started in on your goatee. The sharpness in your eyes when you looked up at me with the “what the hell are you doing” look made me laugh out loud and know dad was back!

I think one of the greatest things you’ve done for me is show me how to be an amazing parent. I know how important you are to me – I hang on your next word, always look forward to being around you, and constantly look up at you with pride. Thinking that Samantha could ever look at me like that makes me want to be the very best father and husband that I can be.

I could go on for pages, but simply put on your 60th birthday. Thank you, I love you.



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