Thursday, September 9, 2010

Tom O'Brian

Peter accepts his green jacket after winning the Waynesborough Cup (Senior Division)!

Personal Information

Name: Peter P DiLullo

Title: President & CEO

Company: LCOR- Berwyn, PA

Type of Company: Real Estate Development and Management

Education: Villanova University

First Job: Hoagie Maker

Little-known fact about you: Used to be 6’4”

Judgment Calls

Best Decision: Marrying Lisa and having 3 wonderful children

Best Hiring Decisions: Tom O’Brien and Pete DiLullo III

Mentors: Too many to list but you can start with Stan Ross, Dan Miller, Sig Weiner, Bob Walker, Dennis Valenti and of course Eric.

First choice for a new career: Inventor of Fantasy Fishing game

Et Cetera

Greatest Accomplishment:

Implementing a legacy plan for LCOR.

Greatest Extravagance:

Three Pete II

Favorite vacation spot: Cape May, NJ

Favorite way to spend free time: Playing golf and fishing

Car you drive: Anything Black

Favorite Magazines: Golf Magazine and Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition (after pages are edited by Lisa)

Favorite TV Show: Seinfeld

Favorite Comic Strip Character: Stick Man and his invisible Force Field (Peter invented this character to make a point with Lehman Brothers lead real estate lawyer)

Bucket list: Write memoir of all the deals I worked on and the people I met along the way (especially the ones that on his LIST)

Business Philosophy

Essential business philosophy: Treat others the way you would like to be treated.

Best way to keep a competitive edge: Work Hard

Goal yet to be achieved: Winning the Masters

True Confessions

Word that least describes you: Patient

The most important lessons you’ve learned: Trust your instincts and stop talking if you have already won the point.

Life motto: Always keep your good eye on the ball

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