Monday, September 13, 2010

Pop Pop

Dear Pop Pop~

Happy birthday to one of our very favorite people! Whether it is making up new songs for us, playing tackle, taking us to feed the horses, or just playing in the back yard with make everything fun. You are such an important part of our lives and you are one of our favorite people to say prayers for at night when Mom and Dad tuck us into bed. The Cape May song is so special to us that we won't even let Mom and Dad sing it to us ~ every time they try we yell "No only Pop Pop can sing that song!". We feel lucky to have such a young, healthy and fit Grandpop. We can't wait to get out on the golf course with you in just a few short years.

Thank you for loving us so much and for all that you do for us, and for our parents. You have made our world better in ways that we cannot even begin to comprehend as of yet.

Happy Birthday Pop Pop! We love you.


Luke, Julia, and Jake

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