Monday, September 13, 2010

Bobby DiLullo



v Speed ball in the back yard on County Line road, asphalt and 20 feet from pitcher to hitter, homerun over the broken down garage

v Being tormented by Big Brother at age 8, throwing a glass coke bottle at him, him laughing making me crazier

v Little League and him helping me to learn how to throw and hit

v Grade school football, breaking my facemask making a tackle, him not letting me go to the coach crying, my first lesson in toughness

v Christmas Eve and day at Grand Mom’s house-Uncle John eating snails

v Pinochle in the kitchen on County Line road, news of the Vietnam war playing on the 8 inch black and white

v Long hair, bare feet and tassel belts


v Dad’s sudden passing

v Vietnam lottery and being elated when Peter’s lottery number was in the 300s

v Meeting Lisa for the first time at Grand Pop and Grand Mom Cellini’s 50th anniversary and giving Pete the thumbs up

v Varsity football- Pete buying my first pair of Spotbilt spikes- never so proud of a pair of shoes, concussion and ambulance ride Pete in the back with me making sure I would be okay

v Friday dinners after Peter had spent Friday afternoon at Kelly’s – very interesting not always very coherent

v Peter and Lisa’s wedding at Aunt Sadie and Uncle Pete’s on Avon road, my crying as they left for their honeymoon

v Sitting at the hospital waiting for Melissa to be born, proud Dad’s face when he announced her birth and the beginning of the next generation


v Pete III birth, proud Dad’s face announcing we have a DiLullo to carry the family name

v Trip to Guilanove/Rome with Mom and her first plane ride, one car through the mountains with 7 of us cramped in the car, lunch in L’Aquila, Lena and her parents farm- Giorgio the pig, Father Romanie, the Sistine Chapel private tour, Cente Erb, Mass in St. Peter’s Square celebrated by Pope John Paul II…

v Trip to Hilton Head for the Decathlon, the private plane, 5 bedroom home on the beach with private pool, clam bake on the beach, transfusions drank to the playing of urgent and Ricky’s dancing. Gary-cyndor burn-Ouch, commandeering a hotel pool and shooting the starter pistol, Pete’s triumphant victory over the boys

v Becca’s birth and on the same day as Pete III making it easier for Pete to remember as he is getting older.

v Our running era-The Sea Isle half marathon- stretching in the back yard at Grand Pop’s house, The Philadelphia Distance Run- carbohydrate loading at the Royal Villa the night before, Brian’s run every year

v Meeting with John Bennett and guiding/encouraging me to invest in myself at Manoa Sports, John Bennett more interested in hiring Pete than me during the meeting

v Christmas Eve at Mom’s house


v Our golf era- Waynesboro, Applebrook, Aronimink, Huntington Valley all places I would not have access , you have developed to a 6 handicap, I remain a 22

v Cape May vacations

v Trip to the Outer Banks- surf fishing, watching VCRs, enjoying the sun, sand and surf, flying kites, playing miniature golf and watching Mom cross off the days on the calendar

v Sharing in the highs and lows as our children grew from infants to teenagers

v Christmas Eve at my house

v Your generous gift of the multi-gym so my boys could train for high school/club sports


v Mom’s illness and her passing

v Our Fishing era- the Three Pete and now the Three Pete II

v Trips to West Palm sail fishing on the Andiomo and the Bahamas’ adventure including air and sea in the same day

v The pancreatic tumor- worrying during surgery and the agonizing days after on pathology, the good news and your gift of the watch engraved “my brother My Friend”

v The birth of your grandchildren and the beginning of the next – next generation

v September 17,2010 # 60 Happy Birthday

Little brother Bobby

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