Friday, September 10, 2010

Seth Landau


It’s easy to understand why people gravitate towards you—of course, let’s eliminate the most obvious reason, that you are the boss and you can fire us! At the risk of giving you too big a head, let me take a shot at explaining: It is the combination of your generosity of spirit, self-awareness and charm that makes you a special person. These are not character traits that you develop overnight, this is who you are and it is an example to me and everyone else that knows you of striving to be the best person you can be.

Unfortunately for the rest of us, God smiled brightly on you and not only made you charismatic but also handsome. While I wanted to describe your looks as similar to Danny Devito, Nancy accurately claims I am jealous of you, and has more correctly described your looks as a young Al Pacino. Begrudgingly, I’ll go so far as to agree to a “poor man’s” Al Pacino.

What is particularly irksome to me is that you appear ageless; the one bright spot for us mortals is that if stand next to your bride, Lisa, her youthful appearance makes you look like a “Sugar Daddy”.

The Landau Family has forged a close relationship with you and your Family these last several years and we are personally and spiritually enriched because of it. We look forward to a lot more of what we have been doing (let’s not get into details so that our wives continue to believe we are working hard and late at the office rather than finding an excuse (any excuse!) to tee it up). It is also my hope that your golf skills will start deteriorating with your advancing years so that the “golden tee” will be mine, all mine!



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