Monday, September 13, 2010


Happy Birthday Pop!

I remember the first time I met you down in Cape May in the old (then new) beach house. You were watching the Phillies. Melissa and I had come down from West Chester and I was excited to “meet the parents”. You and Lisa welcomed me into your house as one of your own from day one. We rode bikes up to Stumpo’s for dinner and got to know one another over garlic knots and pizza. I had an advantage that evening, because I had had a glimpse of your life before we even met and I don’t believe you knew much about me. I had known Melissa since we were 18, and had always heard how much I would love her family from both Melis and Ashley. Whether Melis told you or not, I had a West Chester tour on one of our first dates. Melissa was definitely showing off a little, and took me for a ride in the sports car (what was it back then?), we drove by Applebrook, ate at Peppermill, watched TV on Ben, (who I found out later you brought home from NYC on the train, and now keeps our kids happy in our playroom) I saw your Villanova gear, quickly realized how important golf was to you, and loved your beautiful backyard and perfect TV room.

But after knowing you for a while I came to realize that all of those things are great, but they hardly define who you really are. Who you are is best evidenced in the family you have, your faith in God, the friends you have, and the incredible amount of love that surrounds you. I sincerely appreciate the guidance and knowledge you have given me over the last 8 years. As Rich says in his post, the limo drive down to Philly after you recovered will always remain engraved in my brain just like the necklace around my neck. This is what life is about, family. Family is what’s important, those moments are special, and you have given me a lot of them.

So here’s to many rounds of golf, fishing on the boat, a long happy life, lots more grandkids, watching Luke bring up the ball for Nova, Jake starting LB for whoever replaces JO PA, and Julia’s Valedictorian speech at Princeton.

Happy Birthday Pop.



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