Monday, September 13, 2010


Dad D.,

I am so grateful you were born! Of course there is the obvious reason: with out you, I would not have my wonderful Husband who I’m madly in love with, and my beautiful Daughter, who has made my life complete. But in your 60 years of life you have done so much more for me than just that. You helped shape Pete into the man he is today. You lead by example and taught Pete how to be a great husband, father and businessman. The qualities that first attracted me to Pete were passed down from you. Of course I was immediately drawn to his rugged good looks, which I have you to thank for! I was also attracted to Pete’s drive. He works hard. He wants to be successful…like his Father. But what I loved most about him was whenever I was with him I was having the time of my life. The guy has a great sense of humor and loves to have fun. And after our first meeting at the Italian restaurant in Washington D.C. it was obvious that came from you too! I’ll never forget how much fun we had that night! I still have so much fun with you (even though you’re a 60 year-old Grandpa!) Pete thinks it is funny because I’ll often say “What are your parents doing tonight? Should we call them and see if they want to get together?” I don’t know too many people who love to hang with their in-laws, but I do.

As Pete and I grew more serious, he began to share his views on marriage and parenthood with me. I was so impressed with his high set of morals, and the kind of Father and Husband he wished to be. I know I have you and Mom D. to thank for that. Of all the wonderful gifts you have given, your loving Marriage and devotion to your children is by far the best gift you have given to him and to me.

Of course after Pete and I got married I noticed some traits he earned from you that I’m not quite as thankful for! Like the fact that I get pulled out of every party by my elbow while I’m in mid-sentence. Or that I’ve missed many social gatherings because Pete, on that particular day, was in the mood to just lie on the couch and be anti-social. Or that I can never randomly invite people over the house because Pete doesn’t like to be surprised on Friday night with “Hey, you know that nice couple we met? I invited them over for dinner tonight!” Or that every time we go anywhere he paces the house like a mad man and eventually just goes outside and starts the car because he can’t stand waiting for me anymore. And of course there is the constant sports watching that I have to endure. But all of the good does out weigh the bad…and I am so grateful to you for marrying an outstanding Woman, who completely understands my woes and can listen to me gripe.

I can’t end this letter with out telling you how thankful I am for your generosity. You have provided so much for my family. You have worked very hard in your life. You traveled all over and you missed out on time with your children. You have all the reasons in the world to sit back and reap the benefits of your hard work. But you are choosing to share those benefits with me, and my child. I am so grateful to you for the kind of life you are giving Samantha.

I love you. You are a Father and a Friend to me.
Happy Birthday!


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