Monday, September 13, 2010

Eric and Susan Eichler

Dear Peter,

Long time friend and valued partner, time has its own impact on almost everything we do, whether we like it or not. Having just passed a time threshold myself, I realized that you are approaching your threshold, i.e. turning 60. So this might be the right moment to mention a few things about the times that have bound us as partners. These were good times as they were imbued with work, play and, best of all, family friendship.

Seemingly, just yesterday, Bob Walker told me the he had found our man. I asked why he was so sure and Bob responded that you could do the math, handle the accounting, and, most important, you were a runner and we could have fun together. All in all, a really good call. I remember us running 5 miles down Mt. Crested Butte into town and stopping in the Wooden Nickel for more than one “F.G.T. “. Finally, we staggered out of the Nickel for a ride up the mountain. Were we under the influence of high altitude or our own high time?

How many times did we take on the financial world to save our skins and the Company? Difficult issues, but fortunately, there was plenty of great to temper the worst moments, including the consummate sale of our interests in the JFK deal.

It has been quite a run Pete, just short of 30 years, and it is wonderful to see members of our families in the business. They, along with Tom, Bill and David, will be the future of our company. Let the times be good to them.

Peter, enjoy your birthday and the years ahead with health and grace. Susan and I send our love to you, Lisa, the children and grandchildren.

Live long, live well !


Eric & Susan

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