Monday, September 13, 2010

Bob Billings

Dear Peter,

Where do you start when you have a best friend your whole adult life? Well let’s start at the beginning 42 years ago at Bartley Hall on the campus of Villanova University. We met at a lunch table , me a balding blond and him a hippie with sandals , jeans and long hair, both day commuters ,little in common, him 100% Italian and me a combination of Irish and German but somehow we connected and that was the beginning of a lifelong friendship. The only note worthy events of our time at Nova was we both majored in Accounting ,took most of our classes together and I would still be there today in the Stat class if not for Peter getting me through and oh by the way we both mastered the art of Pinnacle and Poker.

After graduation and a few small events like jobs, marriages, kids and careers, our next memorable time is what I’ll call the Cape May years. After I had three kids and Peter two, we decided to vacation together in Cape May in a big Victorian house , this was the beginning of a life long love affair with Cape May that culminated with Peter and Lisa building one of the most beautiful homes in all of Cape May. I can’t begin to describe all the memories we have when we both bought our summer home at 905 Columbia with the tennis, endless beach days and our annual crab feasts, our families will never forget those memories.

We both have progressed with all the normal events of life, children getting married the eventual grandchildren and all the beautiful events that come with families, but the true sign of a friendship is when the stressful times come and who do you call, and we both had our share of those times and true to form we never strayed far from our circle of friendship. To this very day, I know that in my time of need that I only need to call and Peter would be there for me in anything I asked and that is truly a blessing only few ever share.

I could go on and list all his distinct and peculiar mannerism, but I’ll leave that for his family, but suffice to say outside of my immediate family there is not one person who has meant more to me in my life than Peter Paul DiLullo and for that I thank God, he has been and continues to be my best friend.

Happy 60th Birthday, I hope we have many more to share.

Your Friend Always,

Bob Billings

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